Why journal?

Many people experience the benefit of journaling. Many more probably should. Writing down your thoughts acts like a pressure release valve on your mind. Reflection and organisation of events that happen in your life is key to managing difficulties and growing as a person.

Apart from honing your writing skills, journaling can be an anchor for your day and your mind. Daily entries promote a routine. Consistent reflection enables personal growth. Positive experiences enrich your life.

Why better journal?

better journal offers a set of features to try and maximise your journaling experience.

We aim to fuse your journal entries with informative data visuals. You can rate your day and answer some daily questions about important behaviours you seek to forge or changes you want to make. This charted data offers instant feedback with accurate memory.

Daily questions are an incredibly challenging and informative experience. better journal nudges you to daily answer active questions that based on goals you set. These questions measure effort. If you put effort into a goal you'll likely see success. For example, if you wanted to lose weight the daily question of "Did I do my best to lose weight?" is far more probing and informative than a daily reading from the scales. You'll be amazed how telling your responses will be; you'll probably journal about them a lot!

Above all we offer a convenient, secure and available platform to journal. We almost always have a device connected to the internet, that daily 10-30 minutes that people typically journal and reflect for is always within reach.

Why use better journal over a pen and paper? It is fantastic if a blank sheet and ink work for you. If you're looking for something else, more structure or convenience, we think we've got the tool for you. We're always looking to improve the experience and we've got lots of ideas we are working to make a better journal.